Do you love the outdoors?

Ever since I can remember, I have loved being outside. The one thing, I do not love about the outdoors are mosquitoes. My inner ecologist and nature lover understands that mosquitoes are part of the food chain, and serve a purpose, however, they are wretched little creatures. And in some States like Minnesota they are basically a bird. 

There is an awesome farm stand on US-12 that I bought citronella plants from a couple summers ago. My patio was a mosquito and bug free zone that summer. This inspired me to create a citronella candle packed with essential oils. 

 I am happy to announce, Buggy Nights, a wooden wick citronella candle packed with essential oils. 

Even though it is crispy out there, we will be at the Edwardsburg Farmers Flea Market 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Saturday and Sunday. 

Don't worry our candles won't start melting until at least 125 degrees. If it gets that hot, I'm calling it a day. Whalen will definitely be sitting this one out.